Thursday, April 9, 2009


Brazilian street fighting/dancing. For me, it all started one night at a Salsa club. The DJ always includes one Brazilian Samba during the dance. But tonight, it was different.

A circle formed at the beginning of the song. Two dancers faced each other and began an intricate dance that looked like fighting. With jumps, flips, cartwheels, and fun footwork; I was hooked.

Capoeira history dates back to the African slaves that were brought to Brazil. The slaves developed a form of martial art that was disguised as a folk dance.

“Sunday was their one day of rest and that was when they practiced Capoeira. But there, in the quarters, the practice soon was altered. Music, singing, dance and ritual were added to Capoeira, disguising the fact that the slaves were practicing a deadly martial art. In twenty-five years the colonies suffered eleven rebellions that culminated with the abolition of slavery on May 13, 1888."

Dance freed a country.

Today capoeira is a beautiful and exciting exercising alternative. Check out this soccer video with a little capoeira twist.

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