Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trust Issues

Trust. It is an issue. When was the last time you were seriously disappointed in someone? How often do you make the mistake of letting someone down? Are you trustworthy?

Well, Martha Beck, contributing writer for O Magazine, amazed me in her recent article “Who’s Never Going to Let You Down?” Beck presented a few simple questions to help everyone see the trustworthiness of people.

The “YES” Questions:

1. Does Person X usually show up on time?
2. When Person X says something is going to happen, does it usually happen?
3. When you hear Person X describing an event, and then get more information
about that event, does the new information usually match Person X’s

The “NO” Questions:

1. Have you ever witnessed Person X lying to someone, or assuming you’ll help
deceive a third person?
2. Does Person X sometimes withhold information in order to make things go more
smoothly, or to avoid conflict?
3. Have you ever witnessed Person X doing something (lying, cheating, being
unkind) that he or she would condemn if another person did it?


  1. Very interesting. I answered yes to most of the yes questions and no to most of the no questions. However, there was one of each set that received a maybe.

  2. It really is a great test. I find myself asking these questions often; they have certainly helped me understand my friends, family, and co-workers.
