Monday, March 16, 2009

Three Steps to Motivation

There are a couple of things I have learned about motivation. It is hard. But, if you are willing to work on it, motivating yourself is possible.

First, you need to be accountable. This means you need to find a friend who wants to progress and succeed just as much as you do. For me, this friend is named Chris. Chris is brilliant and very caring. Chris and I meet every Sunday evening and we plan out the week and report on our goals. It is important to have a support, someone who will witness your progress and help you move forward.

Second, you need to plan out small steps. This is vital. I like lists, so instead of saying “make baby blanket for Becky,” I say:

1. Go to WalMart
2. Decide on colors
3. Select material
4. Cut material
5. Tie
6. Wrap
7. Present

When I accomplish one of the steps I put a big red check mark next to it. I feel so good. Then, miraculously, I want to check off more steps—and I get things done. It is a wonderful process.

Third, look at the big picture. This is something Chris taught me, I believe he read it in “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” by Stephen R. Covey. I hope this is something you will try as well:

Chris handed me a blank piece of paper.

Chris: “List the five people that you respect the most.”

I wrote down my five names. I included people like my mother, my best friend/ cousin, and my future daughter, among others.

Chris: “Now, list underneath each name how you want them to remember you.”


Chris: I know this might sound morbid, but pretend it is your funeral and these five people are giving your eulogy. What would you want them to say about you?

This took a little longer than I thought. For the first time in weeks I looked past the paper due or the magazine edits that were stressing me out. I looked at my life as a whole, from beginning to end. I looked at my relationships; the strong ones and the weak ones. And I was able to see who I wanted to be.

I still keep that piece of paper with me and read it on a regular basis. Although finding the desire to keep going in life is a difficult task at times. If you practice these three steps, your personal satisfaction and progress will develop.


  1. Hey Erica, it's Kristen! From high school! Cool blog - check mine out if you want:

  2. Erica! This was a really good piece! I am so impressed. This was a really personal piece which is quite difficult to write. To give a piece of you in a paper is really what makes it amazing to read and so much more compelling to follow. I like the five people idea. I just want you do know that you are amazing!
    I hope your professor loved it! It looks great! Much love,
    Your little bro, Tim
